Thursday, September 12, 2013

Reality check

A case was referred to me by my medical assistant at 3am in A&E department when I was working night shift.

"Dr, ibu bapa budak bilang tersalah makan ubat, Benzhexol, sejak jam 12 petang"
-Dr, a couple brought their child for accidentally ingested Benzhexol (anti spasmodic/parkisonism drug, usually use for schizo pt) around 12pm-

First respond was "Why at this ungodly hour?, Why did not come earlier? Why so careless and left the child unattended? *fuming in anger*

"Bah, bawa patient masuk" 

A couple brought their drowsy looking 5 years old daughter, clothes looking tattered and quite unkempt appearance.

Being the miss grumpy pants that I am ( bad habit and even worse excuse), I fire away my questions.

"Kenapa sekarang baru datang, tidak bawa lebih awal?" 

With a smiling face, the mother answered  this ignorant doctor, 

"Doktor, rumah kita sana banjir.. Kena jalan kaki guna sanaaa bukit, limpas jambatan gantung baru ada kenderaan" 

What a big way to make me fall from my high horse.

Reality check man. 

A constant reminder to treat all patients equally cos I will never know their situations, hardships and trouble they went through jus to seek medical treatment.

Another reason why serving in Keningau hospital is gratifying. Poor deserving citizens of this motherland. Patients who really appreciate doctors.

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